Building and testing a new connector or processor plugin ======================================================== Develop a new connector or processor plugin following existing examples that can be found in the `connector`_ and `processor`_ repositories. Some key points to be aware of: 1. Follow the prescribed package structure for each plugin, only changing the module and class name as needed. 2. Inherit the ``GeoEDFPlugin`` class and implement the appropriate class method for your plugin (``get``, ``filter``, or ``process``). 3. You should be able to keep the ``__init__`` method as is, except for fixing the error messages and required and optional parameter lists. 4. Each plugin is fashioned as a Python package. Make sure to modify the ```` script to include any Python library dependencies and other static data files. 5. Each plugin is eventually turned into a Singularity container. A helpful high-level recipe based on NVIDIA's `HPC Container Maker`_ is provided along with each existing plugin. Adapt this ``recipe.hpccm`` file for your plugin. Typically, you would only need to change the plugin name in a few places unless your plugin requires any additional system libraries. Take a look at the ``OS Packages`` section in the ``HDFEOSShapefileMask`` processor's recipe for ideas. Once your plugin has been developed and organized in a folder like other existing plugins, you can and should test it before officially submitting it as a pull request (PR) to the GeoEDF repository. Testing ------- You can test your plugins in GeoEDF's `development environment container`_. Follow the instructions in the ``geoedf/RK_02_EarthCube_GeoEDF_Demo.ipynb`` Jupyter notebook which will walk you through the process of building a Singularity container image of your plugin and then using it in a GeoEDF workflow. You can use any previously published connector or processor plugin in your testing. A list of these plugins can be found in this `documentation`_. .. _connector: .. _processor: .. _HPC Container Maker: .. _development environment container: .. _documentation: