SubsetAORCForcingData ==================== .. py:class:: GeoEDF.processor.SubsetAORCForcingData() Module for implementing the SubsetAORCForcingData processor. The processor takes a start and end date as well as a HUC12 ID or shapefile or geospatial extents as input. AORC data is clipped to the provided extent and the necessary forcing data input variables are extracted. A path to pre-downloaded AORC data files is required. .. py:attribute:: start_date (str,required) Start date in the format, '%m/%d/%Y'. .. py:attribute:: end_date (str,required) End date in the format, '%m/%d/%Y'. .. py:attribute:: aorc_datapath (list,required) This is a list of one or more names of subdatasets that need to be aggregated. .. py:attribute:: huc12_id (str,optional) If shapefile is not specified, then the HUC12 id is used. .. py:attribute:: shapefile (str,optional) This needs to be a local file path to a ``.shp`` shapefile. .. py:attribute:: extents (list,optional) This is the list of extents in the order, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax.