SIMPLE Data Preprocessor (Part 1) ================================= .. py:class:: GeoEDF.processor.SimpleDataClean() This processor preprocesses data downloaded from the U.N. FAOSTAT database to develop a database for the SIMPLE model. The CSV files downloaded from FAOSTAT are filtered and aggregated based on data products and world spatial regions. .. py:attribute:: fao_input_dir (str,required) This is the directory where the FAOSTAT CSV files have been downloaded to. .. py:attribute:: start_year (str,required) This is the start year for the data filtering. .. py:attribute:: end_year (str,required) This is the end year for the data filtering. .. py:attribute:: regsets_csv (str,optional) This is the path to a local CSV file that overrides the default set of regions to be considered for the filtering and aggregation operations. .. py:attribute:: cropsets_csv (str,optional) This is the path to a local CSV file that overrides the default set of crops being considered for the filtering and aggregation operations. .. py:attribute:: livestocksets_csv (str,optional) This is the path to a local CSV file that overrides the default set of livestock being considered for the filtering and aggregation operations. Notes ----- 1. This processor only works with a fixed set of FAOSTAT datasets (LandUse, Macro-statistics Key Indicators, Population, Prices, Production Crops, and Production Livestock); you will need to develop your own processor if you intend to work with other FAOSTAT products. 2. When using this processor in a workflow following the `FAOInput` connector, use the `dir()` modifier when providing an input for the *fao_input_dir* parameter.