Running Workflows ================== The GeoEDF workflow engine has been deployed to the `MyGeoHub `_ science gateway where users can design and execute workflows. Workflows on MyGeoHub are executed on Purdue University's Halstead cluster. In order to run a workflow on MyGeoHub, first launch the `Jupyter notebook tool `_ and create your workflow YML file in the Jupyter filesystem. You can then execute and monitor the status of this workflow using the following Python code from inside a Jupyter notebook. .. code-block:: python import hublib.use %use pegasus-5.0.1 %use geoedfengine-1.81 First, we import the GeoEDF workflow engine module via HUBzero's *use* library. Next, we import the necessary libraries from GeoEDF: .. code-block:: python from geoedfengine.WorkflowEngine import WorkflowEngine Finally, execute the desired workflow by specifying the workflow YML file path and a unique workflow name. .. code-block:: python WorkflowEngine.execute_workflow(,'') The *execute_workflow* method will print out the location of workflow outputs and any log files that the user can use to debug workflow errors. While the workflow is running, the *workflow_status* method can be used to monitor its status. This method will print out the workflow stage that is currently being executed. .. code-block:: python WorkflowEngine.workflow_status('')