DatetimeFilter ============== .. py:class:: GeoEDF.connector.filter.DateTimeFilter() This filter is used to construct DateTime strings in a specific format for a given time period (or single date-time) and frequency .. py:attribute:: pattern (str,required) This is the requested pattern for the returned DateTime values. Any valid Python DateTime `format`_ string can be provided. .. py:attribute:: start (str, required) This is the start date entered in the standard MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YY h:m:s formats. Whenever time is entered, the ``has_time`` attribute also needs to be set. .. py:attribute:: has_time (bool, conditional) This attribute is optional unless the time has also been provided along with the date. .. py:attribute:: end (str, optional) This is the end date for which filter outputs need to be generated. It needs to be entered in the same format as the ``start`` date. .. py:attribute:: period (str, conditional) This is the frequency to apply when determining all intervening datetimes between the start and end date. The filter returns datetime strings encoded as ``pattern`` for each of these intervening datetimes. The period needs to follow the Pandas datetime frequency `aliases`_. For example, ``2M`` is a period of 2 months, ``Y`` is a yearly period. Notes ----- 1. This filter has several attributes that are ``conditionally required``. When an end date is provided, the period also needs to be provided. If the start date includes a time component, the ``has_time`` attribute needs to be set. 2. If only a start date is provided, the filter simply returns a single value, formatting the start date with the provided pattern. 3. If the start date includes a time component and an end date is provided, it too needs to include a time component. .. _format: .. _aliases: